Author: LittleLamb
During the second map of Warcraft GOLD Team League (WGTL) Finals, Fly100% vs. Lawliet on Turtle Rock, when the game was having a big fight, Fly100% paused the game suddenly, and from the camera, we can see that he was so angry. But what happened by the time?
Author note: You may watch it from 1:02:45
Fly100% was disconnected from the game
According to the news from War3station today, Fly was not able to control his unit and he was disconnected from the game. At the same time, he was trying to pause the game, and contact the referee, like using the chat in the game. Somehow, it didn’t work, and no one did help to pause the game.
After about 10 seconds, Fly reconnected to the game, and paused the game by himself.

RW asked for safe retreat, and continue the game.
According to War3station’s news today, and some of my sources yesterday, RW asked for safe retreat. However, referee gave only two options, “continue without safe retreat”, or “re-game”. Obviously, Team RW couldn’t accept it, Infi and TH000 even decided to quit the tournament if the referee went for re-game.
I have to mention that, from my source in China, Lawliet and Team ELL knew nothing by the time, Lawliet DID NOT refused the option with safe retreat. After the disconnect, the referee directly went to Team RW and asked about the solution, and they didn’t talk with Team ELL during this period.
TH000 was so angry.
As I heard, TH000 seems misunderstood the situation, he thought Lawliet refused safe retreat, and said something bad on his streaming.
Author note: I can’t know what exactly TH000 said and thought by the time, since Infi, TH000 and Fly100% deleted the VODs.
After that, from the news today, we knew that TH000 has apologized to Lawliet.
Lawliet gave up the game
In the end, after a long discussion (about 68 minutes 50 seconds), Lawliet decided to gave up the game, and RW was leading with 2-0. Afterwards, the Clan War went to the third map: eer0 vs. Infi on LR.
Author note: In the VOD from Back2Warcraft, we can see from 03:54:40, Fly paused the game, until 05:03:30, Q-jiang got a call and announced that Lawliet gave up the game. It’s was 68 minutes and 50 seconds.

The audiences were angry about the organizer, also the players.
Since there were many fakes news coming out in that period, so the audiences were blaming the players, including from RW and ELL.
However, after the situation became clear, many comments are also going against the organizer and referees. You may check it on Weibo and other China websites.
Somehow, some people still talked against the players, including the players from RW and ELL.
These comments are from this post on Weibo.

Some additional!
Author: From this link (the video on Youtube by Back2Warcraft), there is a man make a long explanation about yesterday, you can also read about it.
I think it’s someone in that “group chat”, or he got the chat from someone. I am not in that group, so I can’t prove it’s right or wrong, but it’s same from what I heard.

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