Author: Shorty
Global Clan is entering a new era of development. The team just recruited a number of prominent players, and is still in talks with a few others. The confirmed incoming players are:
- Tomasz “TeRRoR” Pilipiuk
- Piotr “sLh” Michalski
- Krzysztof “NoV” Brzozowski
TeRRoR most recently won ESL Open Cup #14, beating HawK at the final. He left uMaD Gaming in April and since then has been a free agent.
sLh and NoV come from Veni Vidi Vici (VVV). The team has been in a troubled state since part of the management team left, and NoV had been handling the organization for the past few months.
The new players will join the current Bulgarian squad:
- Valentin “GodFather” Atanasov
- Slavi “Lubber” Sokolov
- Hristo “LeX” Stoev
- Radoslav “DieSeL” Kolev
- Dimitar “SoulEater” Kyulhanov
- Deyan “formaluNreal” Moraliev
- Ivan “Counting1” Petrov
- Miroslav “Rahvin” Delchev
At the same time there will be changes to the team’s organization and administration, too. GodFather will be joined by Stowka, setcho, and Rahvin.
“Stowka” is one of the most dedicated and active Liquipedia editors. He has been part of the organization of VVV for a while. He is also part of the team behind
Aleksandar “setcho” Beninski is better known as abeninski. After the indefinite leave of absence taken by Pad, he stepped in as one of the main developers working on W3Champions. He has developed other privately-used tools related to Warcraft III as well.
Miroslav “Rahvin” Delchev, known also as Fastwin, is an active Bulgarian player. He has been part of the Bulgarian squad for a long time, and besides playing he will be helping with the organization.
Nyagoslav “Shorty” Zhekov is retiring.
Global Clan will be organizing $100 monthly in-house tournaments, sponsored by the team owner – Dawson “Moixxoi” Enderle.
The team is actively recruiting more players. If you would like to discuss the opportunity to join the team, send a message to rbr.godfather#0935 or Stowka#8914 on Discord.

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