[GLHDailyNews 16Sep2019] Forever 2v2 game! WFDC Huya 2v2 Invitational starts today!

[GLHDailyNews 16Sep2019] Forever 2v2 game! WFDC Huya 2v2 Invitational starts today!

[GLHDailyNews 16Sep2019] Forever 2v2 game! WFDC Huya 2v2 Invitational starts today! 8000 2458 GornLan Harbor


  1. Forever 2v2 game! WFDC Huya 2v2 Invitational starts today!
  2. The coming NeXT will be in October.
  3. The First season of Warcraft 3 League of Bulgaria finished yesterday.
  4. War3Lovers Solo League Group Stage completed! Playoffs are coming soon!

Forever 2v2 game! WFDC Huya 2v2 Invitational starts today!

It’s a 2v2 tournament again! After Isilandon 2v2 Cup Season 1 and some matches in Penguin SKY Cup, we’re continuously having 2v2 games!

Here are the games today!

Surprisingly, team 120+Lyn and team SoK+Chaemiko met each other in a very early round! We believe it might be the most interesting game today!

Stay with your caster and they will bring you the games!


  • English: Back2Warcraft
    -According to the schedule of Back2Warcraft, They will start casting this tournament on this Wednesday, 18th Sep.


The coming NeXT will be in October.

In this afternoon CST, War3station shared a little information of the coming NeXT (NetEase e-sports X Tournament).

From the picture below, we can see Warcraft III will play from 09th Oct to 11th Oct.

However, as we mentioned previously, the format of the coming NeXT Warcraft III has changed and they are not going to play with Team League due to the shut down of mTw and BSG. So far, NetEase also hasn’t published the format yet.

We believe we will have more updates from NetEase very soon. Stay tuned, we will bring you the information once we see them!

“Who do you see in these pictures below?”

The First season of Warcraft 3 League of Bulgaria finished yesterday.

After more than 3 months of battle, undisputed champion became Lubber! He didn’t lose a single match throughout the tournament, winning 9 games in the group stage, and 4 games in the playoffs. Lubber lost a total of only 4 maps! Second place went to LeX. He lost 3 matches during the long season, 2 of which were to Lubber in the playoffs. Third place took SoulEater, who beat everyone else except for Lubber and LeX.

Full Ranking

Congratulations to the Champion of Bulgaria – Lubber!

The second season of the Bulgarian league will start in October!


War3Lovers Solo League Group Stage completed! Playoffs are coming soon!

The Group Stage of WSL (War3Lovers Solo League) was just completed recently. After a few weeks of games, we had the final ranking of the Group Stage.

*Some games in the American group were not played.

Hitman and Sonik was the first place in their region, therefore they advanced to the Semi Finals of the Playoffs directly. On the other hand, Pride, insuperable, Sheik and Starshaped advanced into the Playoffs, they will play for the Slot of Semi Finals in Round 1.

We still didn’t know the exact schedule of the Playoffs, but according to our reporter’s research, it will come very soon!


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